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Year 3

Third lockdown Spanish - 2020-21 - Spring 1


Hola a todos.

This half-term we will practice conversation, improve our phonics recognition, reading a book in Spanish, and learning how to tell the time. Does it seem too much for you? No worries. Just join in our Zoom lessons every week (ask your teacher).

Home teaching - Session 2 - Autumn 2


Saludos a todos. Our next Spanish lesson will be at home. Please find all the necessary material here, in the school website. You can download the documents below. Also, I have uploaded some videos for you to practice. Allá vamos:

Learn Spanish Class Vocabulary with BASHO & FRIENDS - 60 Second Spanish - Classroom Phrases

Listen and repeat.

This is the plan for the lesson:


1 - Starter: Listen and repeat - click on the video below to practice classroom instructions.

2 - Interactive games: download the PowerPoint and go to slide 2. Click on the link and do the tutorial. When you finish, you can do the activities: "¿Sí o No?", "Uno u Otro", and "¿Qué es esto?". Enjoy!

3 - Gender of words: read the information on Masculine and Feminine.

4 - School supplies: read the names of school items. Keep an eye on the article before each noun: "el" is for masculine words, and "la" for feminine words.

5 - Worksheet: 'Objetos de clase - gender worksheet'. You can either do this on Seesaw (under Activities), or download the document in the link above. Also, you can collect a printed copy on demand at school.


Remember: you can still earn stickers! Go ahead!


If you have any questions, just ask.


Muchas gracias.



Autumn 1 - 2020/21


El Sistema Solar - The Solar System


This part of the website will be used for homework. Updates will be communicated via announcements on Spanish Class SeeSaw.


Mr. Castro

The School of Spanish at Home


Summer 1


Hola a todos. We are back with a new unit, new words to learn and new challenges. Are you ready?


1) - First of all, click on Topics to find all you need to know about the new unit: Household chores. Read it carefully, practice the vocabulary and take time to understand the sentence structure. It is all very simple but if you need support you can get in touch with me on Twitter or SeeSaw Spanish Class (if you already signed in).


2) - Next, find the documents you need for this new unit below: PowerPoint with the unit, word bank, worksheets.

Topic unit and word bank sheet

3) - Pronunciation: Check out each word and use the following chart to assist you in your task:



REMEMBER: in Spanish we never blend vowels, we say them separately. Also, the letter "u" after "q" (as in "que", meaning 'what') is silent (e.g. "que" should be said like 'keh').


4) - Activities: we have two worksheets: one is about writing the correct sentence for each picture (you will need the PowerPoint file or the Topic post for Summer 1; and another where I ask you to write what household chores are you regularly doing during your self-isolation. About this last ine, it would be great if you could put it on the wall or the fridge, take a couple of pictures (one of them a clear close-up) and post it on Twitter.

5) - Other activities:


  • Draw and label a map of your house: are you up for this one? How would you do it? I will give you freedom to do it the way you like the most. Be original! laugh
  • Label a part of you house: take a picture of a part of your house (e.g. livingroom) and label some parts of it (e.g. el televisor, la mesa, la silla, la ventana, etc.). Use the word bank and this online dictionary to look up new words (https://www.spanishdict.com/translation).
  • Record your voice on SeeSaw: reading sentences from the vocabulary, read out loud your work. You can post it on Twitter or send it to SeeSaw Spanish Class (if you sign in).


I will be adding more material to recap all we have learned during the year. I am looking forward to seeing your work. ¡Mucho ánimo!


Mr. Castro

The Spanish School at Home


Spring 1 - week 5


¡Hola a todos! ¿Qué tal estáis? (Hello everyone! How are you doing?)

Self-isolation can be boring sometimes, so why not practising and improving our Spanish with the family? Yes, with the family! I thought it would be great to involve everyone in our fun activities. The more, the merrier.

For this week (week 5 for us the teachers, but the first for you, of course), we will continue with our topic about clothing and description of clothes (see Topic section above).

Our activity will be describing the clothes that our family members (i.e. mum, dad, siblings, us) are wearing. This could be done in different ways: taking a picture and labelling it, drawing and colouring the person and writing the sentences at the bottom, a video, etc. I'm asking for a creative response so use your imagination!


To ensure that we write the sentences correctly, use this writing frame:





- Word agreement: gender - masculine nouns must be followed by a masculine adjective (e.g. un abrigo marrón), and feminine nouns by a feminine adjective (e.g. una bufanda amarilla).

Also, they must agree in number (singular, plural). Singular means 'one', while plural means 'more than one'. So, for example, if a noun is masculine and plural, it must agree both in gender and number (e.g. unos zapatos rojos). Does it look complicated? No worries. With a little bit of practice you will be doing it in no time. And time you will have a lot! wink


- Omission of the grammatical subject: you don't have to start every sentence with "yo" (I). You can also start with the verb ("llevo"). Your choice!


- Extended writing: if you find making sentences too easy or you just look for an extra challenge you can add another adjective by using "y" (and) followed by the adjective that you want to use. Use the extension writing frame below.



All the pictures will be sent either to your class SeeSaw account, or posted on Twitter.


Here are some things to help you with your creative activity:


- check on the Topic section of Spanish Year 3 for reference;

- use this dictionary online if you really need it:  https://www.spanishdict.com/translation ;

- if you need the actual documents of the writing frames, you can download them from the links below,

- for further learning and fun, go to the Games section of Spanish Year 3.


All the best! I'm looking forward to seeing your work. No rush, no fuss. Take your time and enjoy.


Reward: 2 stickers for completing the task successfully. 3 stickers for a truly awesome job. Go for it! (I will put the stickers on your Spanish challenge award books myself since they are all in your trays!)


N.B.: I will be in school only Mondays and Wednesdays, so that will be the time when I will be able to check and mark your work sent to SeeSaw.


Mr. Castro

Writing frame - describing clothes we wear - includes writing extension

Clothes & accessories

We are going to learn more vocabulary in Spanish, clothes and accessories.

Ya Vienen los Reyes Magos (Traditional Spanish Christmas Carol)

Christmas in Spain

Spanish children will introduce you to how we celebrate Christmas in Spain. Enjoy your learning!

Learn Spanish Class Vocabulary with BASHO & FRIENDS - 60 Second Spanish - Classroom Phrases

Get ready for Spanish class by practicing these useful school phrases such as raising your hand, standing up, sitting down, reading, writing, listening, and more!

Learn to count by tens: "Gotas de diez en diez" - Calico Spanish Songs for Kids

Spanish For Kids - Counting to 100 by Tens

Counting to 100

Los números

Learn the numbers in Spanish music.

Count to 1000 in Spanish with BASHO & FRIENDS

Learn how to count from 10 to 1000 in Spanish.