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Spring Term 2019


The topics for Spring will be Places in Town and Transports.


Places in Town



These are only a few. The rest, we will look up in the dictionaries.

One thing to keep in mind is word agreement. Remember: article, noun and adjective must have the same gender (masculine - feminine), and number (singular - plural).

Check out the names above and see the indefinite articles preceding them.





Giving and receiving  directions is a very useful skill if you are planning on going to Spain. You will definitely need it if you are visiting a town or a city.





Read this slide carefully:



We are using the verb "seguir" (here meaning 'to go') in the 3rd person of the singular only: "sigue".

Do some practice on your own and I am sure you will be giving directions in no time.

Here's some extended work for you:





Things we can do in town



This is the structure that we have followed in class.

This gives us the opportunity to learn new verbs and practice using them. And an even better chance to improve our use of the dictionary.






It is very important that you learn the present simple of the verb 'to go' in Spanish:


- I go: voy

- You go: vas

- He/She goes: va

- We go: vamos

- You go: vais (plural)

- They go: van


Once this is done, here are the prepositions to use in our sentences:





We can see two different structures:

- the first one states where we go and how;

- the second one just where we go without mentioning the transport used.




Autumn 2 - 2018


Bienvenidos Year 6s. A lot of new stuff await you this half-term. Are you ready? ¡Allá vamos!


Food and Opinions


For starters, we will learn 6 fruits and 6 vegetables. Note that some will be in singular and some other in plural. I put them like that so you can consolidate your knowledge on Number and Gender (masculine and feminine).




Now, a quick reminder about Gender:



Let see about number:


- If the word ends in a vowel, we just add an "-s".

- We find an exception with "col" (cabbage). It ends in an consonant, so we add "-es". The result would be "las coles".




Number doesn´t just applies for articles, nouns, adjectives and adverbs, but also to verbs:






There is a rule breaker here: the verb doesn´t add the "-n" at the end.



We will learn how to make sentences with "pero" (but) to join affirmative and negative clauses:




And finally, we will learn how to order in a restaurant:





Mr Castro

Summer 1


¡Por fin llega Summer 1! This unit will be about the Planets and the Solar System. Step by step, we will start with basic vocabulary:



As you can see, the names are cognates (similar to English). Just a few differ but they are not that tricky to learn, aren't they?


Next, we will use this vocabulary to dive deeper into grammar and sentence construction. Here's the material:



One of Spanish language's biggest oddities is the fact that it has two verbs 'to be'.




Read the slides carefully and you will understand the meaning of each verb. If not, don't you worry because we will see this in class smiley.


Mr Castro