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Year 4

Third Lockdown Spanish activities - Spring 1 - 2020/21


Hello everyone. Hola a todos.

I had a wonderful half-term planned for our coming back from Christmas but, once again, lockdown got in the way.

Instead of delivering completely new contents, I decided it was better to expand and improve the knowledge that we have already gained this school year. To that purpose, I have added two activities about cities and places in town:

The first one is a fun worksheet about places in town. It comes with a word list in case you need it.

You can download them clicking on the links below:

The second activity is a description practice. We will describe our city of York using sentence builders.

I strongly recommend you to take a good look at the sentence builder mats and decide which sentences you would like to write. Once you know, draft them on a piece of paper. Finally, write your decription on the worksheet.

Zoom lesson 2 material

For this activity you will need your word bank. Just download the new worksheet and read the heading carefully. You will need access to Spanish Class Seesaw in order to complete the challenge. I will make available a Seesaw version of this activity during the week. No rush! You have this week and the next to do this activity.

Lockdown lesson - Autumn 2


Hola a todos. Well, it seems we are in a lockdown again. I know this is not like being in class and that there is so much fun that we will be missing, but still we can learn in a different way.

I have tailored our second session especially for home learning. First, please download the documents you need first:

Now, I will procede to explain what is this all about.


- PowerPoint: you will find all the contents for the lesson. Starting with Phonics, continuing with Listening and Speaking, and finishing with Reading and Writing.


- Phonics: first of all, go through the phonics table and practice reading and saying them with the actions you all know. Second, use the writing template to identify those phonics in the words from the list (see slide 3). You will find the template either on the document 'Spanish phonics table' (link above), or in Seesaw>Activities.


- Listening and Speaking: after reading the first few slides and watching the video about "Pedro el pez" (I'm sure you remember this one!), you can do the translation activity (download the document or do it on Seesaw>Activities). You will find the video below this post.


- Reading and Writing: Read carefully the rest of the PowerPoint, then do the activity (document 'Word order worksheet', or Seesaw). I have used colour code to help you see how wrod order works in Spanish compared to English. See I have used this in the worksheet too, so make sure you check the PowerPoint as you do it. In addition to, I have included the word bank for the story 'La Gatita Lucía en la Ciudad', in case you want to know the meaning of the words that you are sorting out.


If it was impossible or very difficult for you to use a computer to access the documents or using Spanish Class Seesaw, we offer you the option of collecting a printed version at school. This is print on demand, so make sure you communicate either to school or myself so we can have everything ready for you.


Needless to say this is a great chance of earning more stickers. Those certificate and badge are closer than ever. ¡Ánimo!


If you have any questions, please contact me on Spanish Class Seesaw.


Muchas gracias.


Mr. Castro

Act it out!

Pedro el pez - audio story

Practice your listening and speaking at home.

The Spanish School at Home


Summer 1


En el Restaurante - Going to the Restaurant


Read the entry for this unit under the Topic section above before doing any of these activities.

You can download all the documents below this post (scroll down).


Once again, I ask you to be creative. There are two role-play activities. You can either do it with your family, or just read it aloud.


Act it Out


Our favourite section is back. You can do it on video or as an audio. You choose whatever suits you the best.



This one is very scripted, but the next one gives you more freedom to create your own role-play. Read them carefully and take your time to understand what they say. You will need to use the menu that I have created just for you:






You can either post your work on Twitter, or send it to your class SeeSaw account. I answer very quickly on Twitter, but keep in mind that I only go to school on Monday, so if you send your work to SeeSaw, I can only check on it when I'm in school.


N.B.: there seems to be lots of technical probles with Spanish Class SeeSaw at the moment. Please, do not send anything there till further order. My apologies for the inconveniences.

The Spanish School at Home


Spring 2 - week 5


¡Buenos días, Year 4! How is going everything? We are experiencing a new way to learn at home with your family. Strange and exciting all at once. It is in view of that excitement that I decided to post an activity involving everyone at home. How? With one of our 'Act it Out'! 



Activity: practice this 'act it out' at home, choose the setting, the outfit, be original and creative! Once done, upload your video to SeeSaw (your class' account).

Reward: a good performance will earn you 2 stickers; a great performance will earn 3 stickers. I will put them myself on your books (in days on which I work in school). If you earn a new certificate, I will seesaw it to you as a picture. I'll be doing this until it is possible to hand it in as we used to.


Tips for success:


- Pronunciation: we must work hard on this one. Check out each word and use the following chart to assist you in your task:


REMEMBER: in Spanish we never blend vowels, we say them separately. Also, the letter "u" after "q" (as in "que", meaning 'what') is silent (e.g. "que" should be said like 'keh').


- Adjectives: they always come after the noun. Make sure that they agree in gender (masculine/feminine) and number (singular/plural) with the noun (e.g. "abrigo rojo y bonito").


- Pay the price: for this please visit the Topic section of Spanish Year 4 above for both Spring 1 and 2. It helps writing the pretend price on a tag first. Make sure you make it easy:

(2 digits whole number) + " , " + (2 digits decimal number) (e.g. 25,50 €) - Please note that on the continent it is a decimal comma, and not a decimal point like here; also, the euro symbol is placed after the number and not before like we do with the pound symbol.


- Practice your numbers: you can check the Topic section of Spanish Year 3 - Also, use this word bank (for smaller numbers, please revisit Year 3's section):



- Don't forget it is a performance: now this is the opportunity to be 'drama queens' and 'drama kings'. Make it well, but make it funny. Involve your parents, use puppets, dress up, etc. Enjoy the experience!


This should cover everything. Please do not be in a rush. Take your time. ¡Buena suerte!


Mr. Castro

Spanish Vocabulary for Around Town Sing-Along Song | BASHO & FRIENDS El Pueblo

Beginner Spanish words for things we do in town!