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Governors' information and duties


The governing board is the school’s legally accountable body and must operate in the best interests of the school. The board is the school’s key strategic decision maker.

The task of the governing board is to lead the school strategically, focusing on the three core functions.

As set out in the Governance Handbook, the three core functions are: 1. Ensuring clarity of the vision, ethos and strategic direction. 2. Holding the executive leaders to account for the educational performance of the school(s) and its pupils and the effective and efficient performance management of staff. 3. Overseeing the financial performance of the school(s) and making sure that its money is well spent.

Some elements of responsibility have been delegated to 3 committees; Pay, Finance & Resources and Standards & Development. These committees are governed by annually agreed Terms of Reference.



Governors are the people who make up the board. All governors are volunteers who are either appointed or elected to the board.





Structure of the Governing Body


Steve Milner - Co-opted, Chair of Governors

Committee Membership and Responsibilities: FSR, SDC, Pay Committee, HT Performance Management, Y4, Y5 & Y6 Link, Attendance, H&S

Term of Office: 15/05/2023 - 14/05/2027

Business Interests: Retired Employee of Health and Safety Executive, Governor York St John University


Debbie Glover - Headteacher

Committee Membership and Responsibilities: FSR, SDC

Term of Office: 01/01/2009 - current

Business Interests: none


Nigel Atkinson: Co-opted

Committee Membership and Responsibilities: FSR (Chair), Pay Appeals Committee, Y1, Y2 & Y3 Link

Term of Office: 15/05/2023 - 14/05/2027

Business Interests: Wife is School Business Manager at Huntington Primary York


Ruth Butterworth - Elected Parent

Committee Membership and Responsibilities: TBC

Term of Office: 12/10/2023 - 11/10/2027

Business Interests: None





Vishal Patel - Elected Parent

Committee Membership and Responsibilities: TBC

Term of Office: 12/10/2023 - 11/10/2027

Business Interests: None


Margaret Davies - Co-opted

Committee Membership and Responsibilities: TBC

Term of Office: 11/10/2023 - 10/10/2027

Business Interests: None


Zoe Pattison - Co-opted Parent

Committee Membership and Responsibilities: FSR, Safeguarding, Y4, Y5 & Y6 Link, School Council

Term of Office: 11/10/2023 - 10/10/2027

Business Interests: None


Kate Spencer - Staff Governor

Committee Membership and Responsibilities: TBC

Term of Office: 28/03/2022 - 27/03/2026

Business Interests: None


Mark Honeywell - Co-opted Parent

Committee Membership and Responsibilities: TBC

Term of Office: 26/05/2022 - 25/05/2026

Business Interests: None


Sam Dykes - Co-opted  Staff 

Committee Membership and Responsibilities: TBC

Term of Office: 05/12/2022 - 04/12/2026

Business Interests: None


Sam Battwood - Co-opted  

Committee Membership and Responsibilities: TBC

Term of Office: 06.03.2023 - 05.03.2027

Business Interests: TBC


Maryam Karbani  - Clerk

Committee Membership and Responsibilities: N/A

Term of Office:  - Ongoing

Business Interests:


School Governor Recruitment